Welcome to The Sentis Group

We are...

business advisors

market researchers

data scientists

application developers

We help organizations build brands, understand markets, and strengthen relationships with customers, employees and stakeholders.


With no separate divisions, Sentis is one team with the same aim: help the organizations that choose us succeed. Here are some of the tools we use to do that.
Our Online, Omni-Channel Survey Platform
Sentisā€™ online survey platform is modern, engaging, flexible.
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Qualitative: Focus Groups, In-Depth Interviews & More
Customer stories should be at the centre of your decision making.
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Online Discussion Boards
Facilitated by our professional moderators, ODBs typically last 2 to 4 days.
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Making decisions and implementing change is hard. We can help.
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Mystery Shopping & Price Audits
Our team of mystery shoppers assesses service performance across all customer touchpoints.
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Our latest thoughts and ideas that you might find useful – but don’t worry, there’s more!