
Sidebar is a friendly way to survey and inform website visitors – and keep them on your site – through an easy and secure chat-like window.

Unique Features

Higher Response Rates

The invite bar beckons website visitors to take the survey with movement and a call to action. This gets much more interest than a static link or button that says “take our survey”.


The little invite bar appears on every page visited, allowing visitors to first do what they came for. The invite bar is small so it’s not annoying, and they can simply click x to remove it.

Keeps Visitors on Your Website

Visitors interact with Sidebar while remaining on your website – nicer than a link that would take them elsewhere.

Easy and Secure

Sidebar is easy and under your control. To add it we simply send you 6 lines of script to your website team or you can use Google Tag Manager.

How It Works

A small ‘invite bar’ first appears on the side of your homepage with a call to action such as:

  • What do you think of our new website?
  • Take our Financial Wellness Quiz
  • Want to book an appointment?
  • Check out our new podcasts
  • Choose us and get $200 for switching

When the visitor clicks the bar it expands into a chat window with the first survey question.

Contact Amelia to book a demo.